What information is important in an endodontic report?

In endodontics, a detailed treatment report is essential to ensure a complete documentation that meets professional standards. Such reports ensure treatment traceability, inform the patient, facilitate communication with other practitioners, and comply with legal requirements. . .

The European Society of Endodontology (ESE) emphasizes the importance of rigorous and accurate documentation in its guidelines to maintain the quality and safety of endodontic care. EndoData is designed to streamline the reporting process while adhering to these recommendations. Here are the key recommendations from the ESE:

  • Complete diagnosis: A detailed diagnosis, supported by clinical and radiographic tests, is essential. The ESE encourages the use of periapical radiographs and vitality tests to ensure accurate assessments. .
  • Justification for treatment: Treatment decisions must be clearly justified, with alternatives discussed with the patient. Documentation of informed consent is mandatory.
  • Procedure details: Each stage of the treatment should be thoroughly documented, including the techniques used, materials applied, and any challenges encountered during the procedure. From the anaesthesia to the post-operative instructions, including the working length and its coronal reference, everything must be included in the file. Depuis l’anesthésie jusqu’aux conseils post-opératoires prodigués en passant par la longueur de travail et son repère coronaire, tout doit figurer dans le dossier.
  • Long-term follow-up: ESE recommends regular follow-ups to assess healing of periapical lesions and treatment success.

EndoData is a software solution designed to streamline the documentation of endodontic treatments, helping practitioners easily adhere to these ESE recommendations:

  • Through highly organized, checklist-style forms, EndoData makes recording clinical observations quick and thorough, ensuring complete and precise documentation. Ainsi tout ce qu’il observe cliniquement est facilement consigné et ses dossiers sont très complets.

Automatic image integration:

  • EndoData allows for the direct inclusion of X-rays and images reports, thus simplifying imaging management.

Simplified monitoring:

  • Built-in reminder tools for long-term follow-ups, allow practitioners to track progress and document results during subsequent appointments.

Informed consent and treatment protocols:

  • Practitioners can include detailed notes on informed consent and discussions with the patient, ensuring traceability of treatment choices and clinical discussions.

Data analysis:

  • EndoData also allows statistical analysis of treated cases, supporting clinical audits and studies on endodontic treatment quality.

An endodontic treatment report should contain detailed information about the diagnosis, procedure, and follow-up. ESE recommendations emphasize the importance of accuracy and traceability. Tools like EndoData facilitate this task by facilitating documentation, integrating images, and optimizing communication with the patient and the entire care team. This helps practitioners maintain high quality standards and ensure patient satisfaction, while remaining compliant with legal and professional requirements.